
Soil and Groundwater
Remediation Resource


In order to address the challenges of soil and groundwater contamination, the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) embarked on establishing the relevant regulations initiated by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (SGPRA) promulgated on February 2000. The act has not only legalizing and institutionalizing soil and groundwater pollution remediation, but also enhanced the responsibility of the polluters and managers. Following the concept of the Superfund in the United States, Taiwan Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund was established in order to manage the soil and groundwater contaminated sites in need agilely and flexibly. The Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board was established to organize and manage the use of funds and to enforce the soil and groundwater pollution prevention and remediation.

In accordance with Article 28 of the SGPRA, the fund can be used for researching, promoting, developing, and creating incentives for soil and groundwater pollution remediation technology. On October 22, 2012, the "Operating Guidelines for Subsidized Research and Pilot Testing Projects of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Fund" were published to encourage the execution of academic research and pilot testing projects related to site investigation and remediation related technologies, thereby accumulating and gradually establishing the domestic technical capacity.

The establishment of the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Resource (SGRR) platform aims to create a hub for sharing technical information and establishing technical partnerships. The platform provides resources for academic professionals, technical experts, and other technical users as well as suppliers related to soil and groundwater environment protection. The content is diversified and rich, incorporating smart search functionality based on deep learning for the first time. Users can input their requirements narratively, and automatically provides relevant technical introductions, actual cases, technical documents, and recommendations of technical providers. In addition to providing users with first-hand and practical information and tools, it also serves as an online service platform for various exchanges and match-making between technology developer and user.


The SGRR provides information related to innovative remediation, characterization, and monitoring technologies while acting as a technical hub for soil and groundwater remediation professions and stakeholders. It has four major functions, including the "Information Area" , "Technology Search Area", "Technical Library", and " Audio-Visual Area " as follows:

Information Area

Providing general information, introduction, and latest news release.

Technical Library Area

Containing hundreds of technical research reports on soil and groundwater and information regarding technical experts in the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Research and Pilot Test Projects Program. The technical guides collect information about many types of remediation technologies used to clean up contaminated sites, characterize, and monitor sites before, during or after remediation work.

Technology Search Area

Providing artificial intelligent based search functions so that users can set topic tags for remediation technologies, survey technologies, media or pollutants that users concern about, and use semantic exploration technology to automatically provide suggested topic resources that may be of interest to the users.

The Audio-Visual Area

Planned in a thematic format and including soil and groundwater remediation technology reports and technology introduction related videos.